The aim of this study was to analyse the quality and compare the functional value of water from traditionally dug and drill wells located in west Poland. Basic physicochemical and microbiological (Escherichia coli in 100 ml, coliform bacteria in 100 ml, enterococci in 100 ml, total number of bacteria in 1 ml grown at 22 °C, total number of bacteria in 1 ml grown at 36 °C) were determination for the water samples. Additionally, some waters samples were analysed of the presence of heavy metals , TN (total nitrogen), TOC (total organic carbon) and NPOC (dissolved organic carbon). The conducted research has indicated that mineral and microbiological contamination occurs in the waters collected from the wells. This confirms that the wells were not sufficiently protected and that penetration of pollutants into the water occurs from their immediate surroundings, geological layers with which underground water resources come into contact.
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