The article measures the scope of reporting climate-related information by companies considered CSR leaders in Poland. An original tool is employed for that purpose: a climate-related disclosures index. First, a critical comparative analysis was performed of climate-related disclosure initiatives (regulations, guidelines, standards) to pinpoint the key and commonly required disclosures. Next, an original index of climate-related disclosures was designed. It helped compute index values for 20 companies perceived as Poland’s CSR leaders. Non-financial reports available in the public domain were analysed for that purpose. The study showed that virtually all climate-related disclosure initiatives implement, to a greater or lesser extent, the TCFD recommendations, which were also embedded in the developed index covering 18 indicators. The total index value (ranging from 0 to 1) for the analysed companies was 0.51 with the median of 0.42. The index demonstrates that companies named CSR leaders in Poland do not display high awareness of climate change.
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