In Poland, even though there is already richer literature on the subject of the regional economy, there is still a need for knowledge on various dimensions and aspects of the development of problem areas. The reason for this is to search for ways to boost the country's development, to find new opportunities to activate both growth centres, as well as, and perhaps above all, to activate underdeveloped, backward areas burdened with hidden unemployment in agriculture and to activate those areas which lack features that favour the development of the modern, knowledge-based economy of the 21st century. The key problem addressed in this article is „what criteria should be taken into account when delimiting the problem areas in order for public intervention to be effective and to contribute to the desired changes?”
This article presents the method of delimiting problem areas on the example of the “Five Capitals” model. The case study is the West Pomeranian Voivodeship in Poland (EU).
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