This paper presents the possibility of managing plastic post-production waste, i.e. ordinary and heat-shrinkable film, in the construction sector. For this purpose, two types of lightweight 16 mm aggregate were produced from plastics, using proprietary technology (i.e. polyethylene terephthalate (PET) and PET/PVC/OPS (MIX) mixtures). The raw material was sourced from post-production waste, generated during the production of film labels. The results of the experimental testing of aggregate properties (bulk density, grain density, absorbability, compressive strength) are presented, the aggregate being sourced from recycled plastics. This paper presents the physical and mechanical properties of the plastic, as well as other popular lightweight aggregates (Certyd and Kermazyt) used in construction. In addition, the financial efficiency of the production of lightweight aggregate from the by-products of plastic label production was analysed. The economic analysis has shown that the use of plastic waste for the production of lightweight aggregate is rational, not only in terms of environmental protection, but also the financial benefits to companies that generate significant amounts of plastic waste.
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