The development of cogeneration is an element of the transformation of the Polish heating sector. Consequently, the state applies various subsidy mechanisms. One of them is the cogeneration bonus, which is designed to stimulate investment in high-efficiency cogeneration. It consists in subsidizing the generated electricity to entities that won the cogeneration bonus auction and then made investments in new cogeneration engines. The purpose of this paper is to evaluate the use of the cogeneration bonus. The thesis assumes that the cogeneration bonus, despite its supportive nature, is not used by investors. This is evidenced by the low level of contracting of subsidies available in individual auctions. To achieve the objective of the study, the ratio of the volume of contracted subsidies in the cogeneration bonus auctions to the volume available for contracting in individual auctions was analyzed. The author has analyzed: the results of the auction for cogeneration bonus, sector reports, CO2 emission price, types of fuel as well as aggregated financial data of Polish heat plants. The research has an implication character, confirming lack of adequacy of cogeneration bonus to financial situation of potential investors.
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