In this paper, the researchers have investigated the effect of various crises on the development of the Business Continuity Management (BCM) process in Jordanian hospitals. They used the quantitative research design technique to fulfil all the study’s objectives. After that, they also tested whether their hypothesised model could be used for developing the BCM. After distributing questionnaires amongst the supervisors working in 7 private hospitals in Amman, Jordan, they collected all the data. Then, they carried analysed and sorted all the data using the SPSS software. The study results showed that the hospitals in Jordan were eager to maintain security and stability in the case of a crisis. Additional statistical tests presented evidence regarding the positive effect of different factors (such as external/ internal crises, natural disasters, operational and strategic risks, and the probability of recurrence of a crisis) on the BCM development in Jordanian hospitals. Here, the researchers have attempted to offer insights and knowledge to help practitioners, academicians and policymakers.
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