Space for circularity – exploratory study of local initiatives in Polish cities


circular economy
9R framework
sustainable development
circular economy strategies

How to Cite

Lubacha, J., & Rakoczy-Garus, R. (2025). Space for circularity – exploratory study of local initiatives in Polish cities. Economics and Environment, 91(4), 1058.


The main objective of this research is to analyse how community initiatives implement the concepts of the circular economy in their activities, thus affecting their immediate environment. The consideration started by presenting and systematising the definition of the circular economy and locating its meaning in the urban space. Sixteen interviews were conducted with various non-profit and for-profit initiatives across Poland to illustrate and learn about the mechanism of the circular economy in urban space, as implemented by bottom-up initiatives. The research focuses on initiatives that reduce the waste and negative impact on the environment by both producers and consumers. The findings were analysed using the 9R concept. The research made it possible to identify which strategies are most implemented by urban initiatives. Moreover it showed that implementing the circular economy model is possible with the cooperation of producers, that consumers need initiatives that offer a space for circularity.



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