Electromobility in Poland: challenges and opportunities in the context of legal regulations


environmental policy
public transport
zero-emission vehicles

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Miśko, R. (2025). Electromobility in Poland: challenges and opportunities in the context of legal regulations. Economics and Environment, 91(4), 1003. https://doi.org/10.34659/eis.2024.91.4.1003


Purpose: This study analyses the impact of legal regulations on the transformation of urban bus fleets in Poland. Methodology/Approach: The research assesses municipal bus operators' readiness for zero-emission vehicles using fleet data, emission stats, and regulations. Findings: Significant disparities exist among cities in adopting zero-emission technologies, with leaders benefiting from financial support and laggards facing infrastructural and financial barriers. Research Limitations/Implications: The study is limited to cities with their own bus operators, which may not capture all transport models in Poland. Originality/Value: The study analyses Poland’s urban transport sector within EU and national regulations using secondary data, assessing the impact of upcoming legislative changes on public transport operators.



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